Physical Therapy Aide Salary

Physical Therapy Aide Salary

What is a Physical Therapy Aide Professionals who move and lift sick, injured, and disabled patients are called physical therapy aides. They also help people regain functions and cope with pain. Working under the supervision of physical therapists and physical therapy...
Endocrinologist Salary

Endocrinologist Salary

What is an Endocrinologist Endocrinologists are physicians who specialize in diseases and ailments related to the endocrine system, that is the system related to hormones and their creation and secretion. This includes disorders related to metabolism, respiration,...
Plastic Surgeon Salary

Plastic Surgeon Salary

What is a Plastic Surgeon Plastic surgeons, or reconstructive surgeons, are surgeons who focus on corrective or restorative surgeries. While cosmetic or aesthetic surgeries are the most well-known form of plastic surgery, this is not the main area of focus. Plastic...
Obstetrician Job Description

Obstetrician Job Description

Physicians who specialize in women’s reproductive health care are called obstetricians. They monitor patients during their pregnancies, deliver babies, and provide postnatal care. These doctors are also trained as gynecologists, who diagnose and treat diseases...
Cosmetologist Salary

Cosmetologist Salary

What is a Cosmetologist A cosmetologist (Hairdresser, Makeup Artist, Hair and Makeup Designer, Beautician, Hair Stylist and Hair Colorist) is someone that provides beautification services. They help to improve a client’s appearance through hairstyling, skin...
Oncologist Salary

Oncologist Salary

What is an Oncologist An oncologist is a physician that inspects, diagnoses, and treats tumors. They use a variety of treatments, including surgery and chemotherapy, to reduce or eliminate cancerous cells in the body. There are a number of sub-specialties within the...
Urologist Salary

Urologist Salary

What is a Urologist Urologists are physicians who specialize in medical diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the genitourinary tract and its associated structures. This includes both male and female urinary tracts, including kidneys, adrenal glands, ureters,...
Acupuncturist Salary

Acupuncturist Salary

Over the past few years, more alternative forms of treatment have been accepted by the medical profession especially physical treatments such as acupuncture. As the acceptance has grown, it has seen the number of acupuncture positions skyrocket across the country....