4 Ways To Keep Your Dental Practice Cost Effective

4 Ways To Keep Your Dental Practice Cost Effective

Financial concerns are common when running a dental office. It can seem like overhead and related expenses are sky high, but you must keep your rates affordable for your patients. You understandably may be looking for every reasonable way to cut back on spending and...

Happy and Healthy: 4 Crucial Strategies for Satisfied Patients

The Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems survey, also known as HCAHPS, is growing in importance because of pressure from the insurance companies. According to Forbes, Medicaid was wanting to expand the child patient version of the survey,...

Med Tech: How Modern Technology is Impacting Patient Care

Technology has played a significant role in improving the quality of care for those in hospitals, nursing homes, or even the patient’s own home. Still, much of the public is unaware or skeptical of technology’s role in nursing and patient care. Here we’ll discuss some...