Surgery, however minor, can be traumatic on the body and mind. After your operation, you will want to heal fast and get back to your life but there are many stumbling blocks on the way to recovery. Here are a few steps to take to ensure the best recovery possible for all parties involved.

Start Before Surgery

To make the most of post-surgery recovery, start before the surgery. Now is the time to be banking your blood at the hospital where your surgery will take place. Banking your own blood ensures that, if necessary, your blood will be on hand and ready for emergency complications. You will not have to wonder where the blood came from. This is a relief for most people.

Also, if you are not on a vitamin regimen already, start taking them as far in advance of your surgery as possible. Studies have shown that Vitamin C and Zinc help accelerate the healing process. However, you will want to check with your doctor before starting vitamins or supplements.

Stop Smoking

If you are a smoker, stop immediately. Smoking is very bad for your health overall. It can hinder the healing process. Smoking shrinks the blood vessels, causing poor circulation and complications. Wounds will take more time to heal. Your doctor can recommend ways to quit smoking.

Move Around

Major surgeries that will have you lying in a bed for long periods of time are a perfect set-up for developing blood clots. To lessen the chances of developing a blood clot, your doctor will have you moving as soon as possible. Hip and knee surgery patients will be encouraged to ambulate very quickly after surgery.

Personal Responsibility

You can help, too. When receiving care from health professionals, make sure they are washing their hands when they enter your room. Infections like MRSA are spread by contact. Nurses and doctors should wash their hands and use gloves when treating wounds and making contact with you. Do not let their negligence cause you post-surgical problems.


Post-operative appointments are critical to your healing process. This is the time that your doctor will address concerns, check out wounds, remove stitches and more. Make every effort to keep your appointments. Write down concerns and take the list with you to the appointment. When you have a list, you will not forget what you wanted to say to your doctor. Allow your body time to heal. If the doctor orders you to rest and ‘take it easy’ for several weeks, do that. You may feel fine but your doctor knows best. Follow his instructions to heal properly.