Keeping records is a necessary challenge for hospitals of any size. The personal medical information in these files is essential for providing effective health care, but it’s also a potential liability since the hospital is responsible for maintaining privacy. The life of patients depends on accurate record-keeping and the life of the hospital depends on keeping these records secure. It’s a challenge that every administrator must face.
Digital Backups
Backups have always been commonplace, even in the era of print and paper when this security measure required a significant investment of resources and storage space. Making backup copies is much easier in the digital age, but it’s no less important than it was in decades past. That’s why hospitals typically keep copies of all documents, pictures, electronic imaging scans, and other records on multiple stable, secure hard drives. External hard drives are a common backup method for data that’s stored on an active database.
Integrated Record Systems
Managing records can be an overwhelming task when there are tens of thousands of patients, frequent file updates, and plenty of potential for confusion. That’s why some hospitals embrace CDI software that automates, streamlines, and improves digital record-keeping. Complete software solution packages come equipped with various tools to ease and improve the flow of information through an organization.
Secure Physical Storage
Whether it’s physical documents or external drives, hospitals usually invest in conventional security for their record storage areas. This can include locks on rooms, cabinets, or drawers. These areas often have limited access and are positioned in a less-traveled, more secure part of the building. Basic security practices are a good idea to prevent unauthorized or unintended access to personal information.
Evolving Cybersecurity
Cyber attacks are the last thing that hospitals should have to worry about, but it’s still a potential threat. Attacks that disrupt life-saving procedures are the most serious concern, but attacks motivated by data theft are likely to be a more common threat. Personal information, especially confidential details like those in medical files, is a tempting target for digital criminals. As hospitals embrace technology and digital integration, they also need to adopt modern cybersecurity tactics that evolve from day to day as threats change.
Hospitals will always have to handle records, so a system needs to be in place from the very first day. Rather than be burdened by a slipshod system, administrators should design one that actually works for them. Accurate and accessible records can save lives, while extra safety and security measures protect patients, hospitals, and doctors alike.