Health professionals have a legal obligation to keep their patient’s information private. But they also have an obligation to care for their patients in the best way possible. The Drug Quality and Security Act (DQSA) was created to help health professionals keep track of patient history in order to improve care and monitor issues. DQSA also requires pharmaceutical manufacturers to play an active role in managing this information. Pharmaceutical manufacturers must provide certain information about transactions to the government to stay in compliance. But as medical offices, hospitals, and pharmaceutical companies have their hands full with other obligations, many need a better way to abide by DSQA rules without adding costly labor and oversight. Here are 3 technologies that keep health professionals out of legal trouble:


MedPro Systems for DSQA Compliance

MedPro Systems provides healthcare professionals with technology to keep health professionals in compliance. Their solutions can help with DSQA medical license validation, and allow health professionals to focus on caring for patients rather than red tape. There are many other types of data systems that make life easier for doctors and patients in different ways and new ones are being developed constantly.


Monitoring Devices with Real-time Data

Once a health center has implemented a system for DSQA compliance, its professionals will need to monitor how patients are being cared for. Technologies that keep track of patients can also keep tabs on any prescriptions or other treatments. Health establishments will be able to monitor whether or not a patient is receiving proper care, or be alerted if they believe there is fraud or abuse occurring with a prescription. Another consideration for DSQA is the Drug Supply Chain Security Act (DSCSA). Sometimes DSQA and DSCSA are used interchangeably. But it’s important to note that the supply chain is what’s being monitored, and these laws are designed to track and uncover abuse.


Digital Pills

The FDA has approved a digital pill. The approved pill is an antipsychotic, and its digital tracking mechanism allows doctors and health professionals to monitor its use. It can save the life of someone having a psychotic episode or someone who is a victim of another person’s psychotic episode. While there’s just one pill approved as a digital pill, this technology is seen as a huge leap for health professionals who often feel as though their patient’s care is out of their control. With real-time data, health professionals can more effectively manage their patient’s care and absolve themselves of legal responsibility should a patient ignore medical advice.


Technology continues to evolve in ways that help health professionals avoid legal issues. With monitoring and data to prove proper protocol has been followed, health professionals are assured that the care they give will not be subject to lawsuits.