As a doctor, ensuring the comfort of your patient while prescribing medical care is an integral part of the job. At times, patients may require a new medication due to existing or new health issues, diseases, or temporary problems. When you want to provide your patient with a comforting and safe environment once they begin taking a new medication, there are a few tips to keep in mind.

Prescribe a Low Dosage

If a patient is starting a new medication for the first time, it is often best to prescribe a low dose. Research proper dosage amounts for the medication you intend to prescribe to your patient and allow your patient to begin with a smaller dosage. If a patient begins a medication and the dosage is too high for them personally, they may be less than thrilled to lower the dose or to continue moving forward with the treatment. Additionally, make sure that tools to administer the medication have been properly sterilized. There are many firms that provide reliable medical product kitting.

Review the Side Effects Openly with Your Patient

Always speak openly and honestly when reviewing the potential side effects of a medication with a patient. It is not only important to discuss common side effects of prescription medication, but also uncommon and rare side effects. Discuss a plan of action with your patient if they do experience rare or life-threatening side effects to ensure they are well-prepared to handle the situation while they are not under your care.

Ask and Answer Questions from Your Patient Periodically

Ask and answer questions your patient may have regarding their new medications while you are prescribing it. Call your patient or request follow-up appointments periodically to check in on how the medication is working and whether or not it is appropriate for your patient’s needs.

Gradually Increase Dosage While Monitoring Results

If the medication proves successful with your patient, there may be no need to increase the dosage. However, if your patient is not seeing results after a set period of time, gradually increase the dose they are taking daily. Gradual increases in medication dosages are much better than drastic to prevent overuse or unwanted side effects.

Knowing how to help your patients adjust to new medication is imperative as a doctor or psychiatrist. When you have the ability to properly guide your patients through the process, they are much less likely to feel apprehensive when it comes to trying new solutions involving medicine. With the right guidance and bedside manner, gain peace of mind knowing your patient feels at ease and comfortable with your medical advice.