There are many careers one can select in the medical field that takes less than eight years of education to obtain. If you enjoy working directly with people, then a master’s in nursing can be extremely satisfying. If you like working with people and machines, perhaps a career in radiology and nuclear medicine is right for you. If you enjoy the biological sciences but aren’t a people person, a career in Clinical Laboratory Sciences may be a good fit.
Radiology and Nuclear Medicine Imaging
To become a radiologist, you must be a physician, but to work as a radiologic technician or nuclear medicine technologist takes a minimum of two years to obtain an associate’s degree and then additional training to gain the skills needed to perform specific tasks such as taking X-rays and preparing patients for nuclear imaging and other duties. For nuclear medicine, the training program normally lasts about a year. To find the best positions in these imaging positions, a bachelor’s degree is recommended. Duties include positioning patients for X-rays, injecting patients with contrast dye for imaging, getting patients ready for the MRI machine among others.
Clinical Laboratory Sciences
To become a clinical laboratory scientist/technologist, you can choose to do a specialized program for lower level technicians with limited responsibilities at a technical institute or career college, or you can begin with a degree in biology and then take an additional year of focused learning, preparing you to begin right away as an upper-level tech. This five-year career path can lead to supervisory positions with more responsibility and the opportunity for travel to other countries.
A medical career offering most patient contact is nursing. With so many different aspects in this field, nurses can select the type of nursing that speaks to them. Common positions in this field include labor and delivery, emergency room, medical floors, and working in doctor’s offices.
Obtaining your master’s in nursing is easier than ever with online options available from many colleges. Working as a nurse while getting your online master of nursing allows you more freedom than ever. With a master’s degree in nursing, you can move up the ladder quickly, taking on more responsibility than your four-year degree counterparts. Those holding a master’s degree in nursing have greater freedom in selecting a career path. Whether you aspire to become a charge nurse or move into administration, the opportunities available to you will astound you.
While no medical career is particularly quick to get into, there are definitely options that don’t take as long as becoming a full-blown doctor. Whatever you end up choosing, you’ll be helping people and may even save lives.