The field of healthcare is one of the most important in all of society. As a healthcare professional, you can make a huge difference in the lives of countless people by finding ways to keep them in the best health possible. Here are four things you didn’t know about healthcare careers.

Technology keeps getting better

We’ve come a long way in healthcare technology advancements and we keep getting better. Things like anesthesia and MRIs are now commonplace and things easier not only for doctors but also their patients. Over the last ten years, we have seen even more amazing accomplishments. These include things like streamlined electronic health records, remote monitoring that allows doctors to track patients’ health while the patient is home and specialized messaging apps for sending sensitive information. Who knows what could come next?

We need more doctors 

The need for healthcare in the United States is growing faster than we can fill the positions. This can be alarming, but it’s also reason to become motivated and get into action. Whether you want to be a doctor, a nurse, or even a lab technician, there is work for you to do. Healthcare is an industry that will always need people and if you feel the call to action in your heart, you know that’s it’s a career worth pursuing.

You can work abroad

As a healthcare professional, you can change the world. This goes beyond your hometown, state or even your country. There are plentiful opportunities for a doctor to expand their practice to parts of the world well outside of their home. Through non-profits like Doctors Without Borders, you can treat people in war-torn and other affected areas. Your medical training will make you an asset wherever you go and help you to save people who might otherwise be lost.

Women are a dominant force

In the healthcare profession, the overwhelming majority of people working are women. Over 75 percent of hospital and private practice employees are women. While the majority of people in executive positions are men, the amount of women in the field is noteworthy and could spark a real change in leadership and social progress in the healthcare field. If you are a woman wanting to make your mark in an industry, a masters degree in healthcare could be perfect for you.

We hope this has given you a good idea about things you didn’t know about healthcare careers. As this field continues to advance in technology and the demand for doctors increases, you should definitely consider becoming part of it.