Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) is heaven sent for some people, but a nightmare for others. In addition, people are cautious about spending tens of thousands of dollars on medical procedures. They assume that HRT is too expensive. Other people hear about a few risks and immediately get discouraged. As a qualified medical professional, keep your patients well informed. Learn the best ways to discuss the benefits and risks of taking hormone replacement treatments.

Go Over Their Options

Every patient wants to know that he or she has more options to choose from. But choosing from hundreds is overwhelming for anyone. As a doctor or other healthcare provider, go over each and every HRT option that is relevant to your patient.

Male hormone replacement therapy is recommended for boys and men whose bodies produce low levels of testosterone. Women can take hormone replacement treatments if they’re having problems with menstruation, pregnancy, sexual function or menopause.

Tell Them It’s a Normal Process

Disease occurs in everyone regardless of age, gender, race or health status. It’s normal for men and women to have biological dysfunctions that affect their hormones. Most women go through normal cycles when their bodies produce excessively high or low amounts of estrogens or progestogens. These amounts fluctuate during menstruation, pregnancy and menopause.

Menopause is a natural process that every woman goes through in middle age. The body produces lower levels of estrogen, which causes all types of uncomfortable symptoms. Hormone replacement therapy is recommended for some women to relieve the symptoms, such as hot flashes, skin wrinkling, muscle atrophy and sexual dysfunction.

Tell Them It’s Safe

Hormone replacement treatment is the process of replacing hormones that already occur naturally in the body. Like any major procedure, there are side effects that vary in each patient. Female HRT side effects include acne, fevers, rashes and breast tenderness or discharges. Male HRT side effects are similar: hot flashes, muscle atrophy, loss of bone mass and sexual dysfunction.

However, most patients experience a few of these many symptoms, which are temporary and not life threatening. To relieve their symptoms, they can consult their doctors and reduce the dosages in their treatment plans.

Tell Them the Costs

You cannot avoid the discussion about the costs of treatments. Most treatments require that patients consume pills or wear removable devices, so the costs are not as high as many people think. The costs of surgery are avoided in most cases. Some patients pay less than $50 a month for treatment.

There are hundreds of articles written about medical treatments. However, only doctors who have actually practiced the treatments are qualified to give good advice. Know how to talk to your patients face to face and discuss the pros and cons of getting HRT.